
Personal InfoRmation

Date of Birth: 09 December 1968

Place of Birth: Tehran – IRAN

Residence: Graz – AUSTRIA

EDUCATIONAl Background

Oct. 2002 – Present

Doctorate Study of Elctronic Music and Ethnomusicology ,
Institute of Electonic Music and Acoustics/Institute of Ethnomusicology

University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz | Austria
Adviser: Dr. Robert Höldrich

Oct. 1995 – Jul. 2002

M.A., Composition and Music theory

University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz | Austria      

Adviser: Prof. Beat Furrer

honors and activities

 ·         Honoured memeber of “Die Andere Saite”, Concert Cycle of Modern Music from Graz, Association for Funding and Distribution of Contemporary Musik of Young Composer Generation in Graz·         GrazMusic Schloarschip reward·         Austrian State Scholarship Award in Composition·         Founder and President of  Nava – Persian Music in Austria·         Founding Member of Ensemble Zeitfluss –  Ensemble for the Contemporary
Music in Graz·         Honorured Member of Culture Counsellor Graz-Austria


Selected Works

     1995The Night , for alto and pianoKereshme , String quartetThe lullaby under the Ruins” , for Orchester, alto Voice and TapeNasusch , for 3 percussionsZRWAN, for Saxophone quartetZA-AR-WA-AN II , for flute and PercussionZA-AR-WA-AN III (ZRWAN)  for Ensemble und Alto VoiceWARAN (2000),for String QuartetMENIDAN , for solo VioloncelloJEH , for 2 Guitars

Selected Projects

1999 ·         music for OUTER SPACE
produced by Peter Tscherkassky·         Trailer music for Viennale 1999-internatiolnal Film Festival (get ready)
produced by Peter Tscherkassky·         music for Pavilion at World Expo Exhibition 2000 Hanover, Germany·         Multimedia project  “Moment Gelée” for Music Protokoll 2000 in Graz, Austria·         music for “Dreamwork” produced by Peter Tscherkassky

 ·         Memento for Ensemble –Hörgänge 2002 – Konzerthaus Vienna

 ·         Grazer Osterfestival – Wordsound
Ewig Tag. Ein Zirkel Music for Speaker, Saxophon und Tape
Text: Monika Wogrolly
Schizophren Music for speaker, Violin and Tape
Text: Birgit Pölzl·          memento- Ia
for Ensemble -12 Instrumente
Musik for flute, Oboe,  Clarinet, Horn, Trompet, Trombone, Piano, Perccusion
and String Quartet
Klangwege – a Coproduction   Graz 2003 – cultural capital of Europe and  the  university of Music and dramaric Arts Graz -Austria in co-operation With steirischer herbst – The Festival of New Arts, 11 November 2003, Ensemble Klangforum Wien 2003·         ….Im ringen mit dem Schweigen 2003
for Speaker, Clarinet, Horn, Trompet, Piano and String Quartet
Text: AHMAD SHAMLU – 17 Dezember 2003·         HESAAR
For Alto Saxophone and Ensemble
Music for Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Cembalo, Piano and String Quintet·         Deja-Vu for Oboe Solo
Premiere: 21. May 2004  in Graz, „die andere saite“ :
Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Oboe : Markus Deuter (Klangforum Wien)



 2003   n      


Lectures and seminars

·         “Composition in the Century that gone by” – Part I: Lecture, Seminar and Workshops,

about Contemporay Music in 20th. centuryNiyavaran Cultural Centrum Tehran-Iran  2002-03

·         “Composition in the Century that gone by” – Part II: Lecture, Seminar and Workshops,about Contemporay Music in 20th. centuryUniversity of Music and Fine Arts Tehran-Iran winter 2004-05


Persian | Mother tongue

German| Fluent

English | Good


·          Operating Systems: WindowsXP/NT/2000, MS-DOS, Mac OSx, Linux

·          Computer Languages: LISP, HTML, Quick Basic

·          Music Programs:
Sequencers and Audio editors: Logic Audio,Nuendo, Samplitude, Ableton live
and Melodyne /Cool Pro and WaveLab
Signal Processing: Pure Date (PD), Max/MSP
Notation: Finale, Sibelius                       


·          Microtonality in persian Music

·          Audio Morphing

·          Aleatoric Conceptions in Compositon

·          Filtration as primer composing technik

·          Piano Improvision